There are many great restaurants in Brooklyn and this Williamsburg bbq spot is one of the. Located close to the bridge at 91 S. 6th Street you can smell the smokey goodness as you approach the restaurant.
"M" and I went there on a Sunday for their Whole Pig - they smoke whole pigs only on Sundays.
"M" started with a Dark & Storm Cocktail ($12) and I had a Ginger Beer ($6) made with Bermudian ginger ale (who knew?).
We shared the Nam Prik - eggplant, raw veggies and shrimp chips ($12), a serving of whole pig ($18), pork spare ribs ($14) and Pullman Toast with Master Fat ($4).
The eggplant, green beans, and shrimp chips were good, but I was not crazy about the raw bok choy, green mango and radishes.
The whole pig was tasty and served with steamed buns (we could have used two more buns). I know the skin would not be edible since it was smoked for several hours, but I missed that part of the pig. = (
The ribs were excellent - very tender and succulent. Great with the fish sauce.
And the toast was...well, the name says it all - Master Fat! It was similar to Texas Toast and served with clarified fat! Delish!
And we squeezed in dessert - S'mores pie ($6) which was a little disapointing. It was more chocolate pie and not enough marshmallow. And they served it with a heavy cream which might be overkill.
I loved the kitchy plastic chinese plates everything was served on.
We were jealous that the party of 4 next to us ordered the Half Pig's Head. We vow to return with 2 more in our party so that we can order the head as well.
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